Friday, July 28, 2017

Getting Off Easy

     I tried replacing zopiclone with zolpidem and codeine with nucynta but they simply don't work as well. The nucynta also suppressed my breathing more than codeine ever did and caused more stomach problems. Still, enduring the withdrawals and discomfort wasn't totally pointless. I gave my body a break from my more helpful meds to reduce tolerance at least somewhat. I've now switched back to the same meds that I've had for years and they seem to be working better, for the time-being at least. Since the new pills weren't very effective I have been figuring out when I should to go to bed with a simple test. I stop vaping and reading, lie down in bed, and close my eyes. If I struggle to keep my eyes from fluttering shut that means I have a good shot of falling asleep soon. If I open them without issue then that means I screwed up and tried going to sleep too early. I've also noticed that on bad days I would never do something like sing along to the radio in the car. If you see me doing that there's pretty much 0% that I'm extremely fatigued on that day. As for my over-medication crisis continuing unabated I am of the opinion that I'd rather live to 70 with mostly good days than 100 with mostly bad days. Even so, I sometimes worry I'm on the same path as Micheal Jackson. If you didn't know, many doctors think he had some form of EDS. He was obviously very high functioning and so when his pain got worse he demanded more and more medication to maintain functioning enough to be able to preform concerts and whatnot. It also explains his flexibility/hyper-mobility.

     I had to go to the dentist for a regular checkup though I have been experiencing gum pain. It became pretty obvious why. Upon examination they told me I have 32 bleeding spots in my mouth. You're supposed to have none or just a few maximum. It could have something due to with people with EDS bleeding more easily. My blog notes say they cleaned my mouth with some sort of laser but I should give a disclaimer that I don't remember that part just in case as it was some time ago.

   No matter how you look at it, 2017 was a fucked up summer for me. I went to camp again for 3 weeks and shit started going wrong before I even got there. I was on the highway passing through a small town. Already that's something I'm not used to. On the highways I always go on there are no intersections where you have to slam on the brakes to turn right, there's just ramps meant for exiting. There was actually a ramp for exiting right turns on this highway but the driver in front of me chose not to take the ramp which is there so you can exit without having to slam on the brakes to slow down fast enough. Instead he did slam on his brakes and turned out of the intersection. I was paying attention and not speeding but I might have been driving closer to his car than I should have because I wasn't expecting any sudden right turns. As a result I hit the driver in front of me from behind. The damage to his car was almost inconsequential, one nearly invisible dent. My car on the other hand will cost thousands to repair... It functions fine but the front is very messed up. A witness also got out of their car and told me it wasn't my fault because the other guy didn't take the ramp and was speeding which is why he needed to slam on his brakes so hard. The witness told me to call the police so I did. This was a big mistake. The police said yeah the other guy should have taken the ramp but it wasn't illegal not to. I knew I was screwed when the cop and the other driver were laughing and reminiscing about something. I realized that since I was in a tiny town everyone that lived there knew each other, including the officer. I was sitting on the grass waiting for the police to write their report and he walked over to me and told me stand up. He seemed to think I was being disrespectful but I was just resting my legs. Still, he told me I was getting off easy so I didn't say anything. He said he could charge me with distracted driving (which is bullshit) but charged me with driving too close (which is fair.) It got worse though, because I think the officer didn't realize I didn't have my full G yet.

     As I found out 3 weeks later, if you get charged and don't have your G then your license gets automatically suspended for a month. I also got a $310 fine and 4 demerit points even though my damage was 1000 times worse than the other guy's.The demerit points go away after 2 years. The repair cost alone isn't "getting off easy," it's so expensive! If I knew about the incoming suspension I wouldn't have plead guilty. I would have gone to court explaining the aggravating circumstances and how much losing my license in August would screw me over. The reason I went to camp for only 3 weeks instead of 5 is that I decided to set aside August to see all my doctors before the university semester starts again. I have a lot of doctors and most are very far away downtown. Now I'll have to uber to them all which on its own will be very expensive.  I know a judge I met through my high school field trip that said to ask him if I ever need any help, I would've asked him to write a letter or something. I have no prior charges so I think there would have been a decent chance that my suspension would have been cancelled or postponed on compassionate grounds because of how disproportionate the punishment is in my case. Too late for that now, so I guess I'll simply have to contend with "getting off easy"...

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